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BOAD 330: Managing Human Resources for Creative Organizations

Use this research guide to find helpful resources for your assignments.

Workflow Analysis


Workflow Analysis is a process of breaking down and analyzing workflow success and examines and identifies areas for improvement. By looking at workflows at different task levels, employers and businesses can make changes to their workflow process for increased efficiency and workplace productivity.

Overview + Steps + Processes

Please keep in mind that most of these overviews and explanations come from software companies that specialize in workflow mapping and analysis software. Be sure to evaluate these resources for potential biases related to selling their products and services. Although these resources may have the intention of swaying consumers, they can still contain valuable information related to the definition of workflow analysis and steps involving it. 

Job Analysis


Job analysis is the process by which individual jobs are analyzed in order to determine the specific responsibilities, working conditions, and requirements of the position. 

Overview + Guides

Job Descriptions


A job description is a statement of the work tasks which constitute a job and the responsibilities of the employee in performing that job.

Overview + Guides


Job Characteristic Model


The Job Characteristics Model is a work design theory that has influenced workplace-based positive psychology. Designed to create personally enriching jobs, in its original formulation it addressed five job characteristics (autonomy, feedback, skill variety, task identity, and task significance) and five work-driven outcomes (absenteeism, motivation, performance, satisfaction, and turnover).


Team Facilitation + Flexible Work Schedules


Team facilitation refers to the practice of using facilitators in the workplace to help teams meet and pursue their overall goals.

Flexible work schedules are work schedules that consist of a work schedule that takes place outside of a conventional 40 hour, 5 day (8 hours a day) work week. 

Overview + Resources