Smithsonian American Art Museum maintains a number of specialized
art databases and photographic study collections. Please select
a catalog from the list below to search.

Together the Inventories of American Painting & Sculpture reference over 400,000 artworks in public and private collections worldwide. Over 21,000 painters and nearly 15,000 sculptors are represented in the database.
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The Photograph Study Collection is a research and study collection of images documenting American art and artists. This catalog contains the records for the Peter A. Juley & Son Collection (127,000 photographic negatives) and the American Sculpture Photograph Study Collection (2,600 photographic prints).
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The Art Exhibition Catalog Index has descriptive information on 136,494 art works shown in 1,057 exhibitions held in this country and Canada up through 1876 (the Centennial year). Includes American and European artists and includes all media of art works - painting, sculpture, prints, drawings, etc.
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For further information about the Smithsonian American Art Museum Research Databases check the Museum's web site at http://www.americanart.si.edu/research. You can also reach us by telephone at: (202) 633-8380 or by email: