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Special Collections Center: Exhibition Takeaways

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Cheri Marks (she, her) MFA, MSI
Special Collections Curator and Archivist 

941- 359-7583

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Exhibition Takeaways

The publication series Exhibition Takeaways follows and extends the exhibitions of the Brizdle-Schoenberg Special Collections Center. The series serves as a guide to the collections, a starting point for a topic, an archive of an event, a catalog of after thoughts, and an opportunity for design. With any luck, this counter-punctual project will accumulate a body of ideas related to the studies and histories of art, design, communication, media, leisure, and publishing.

The Exhibition Takeaways are designed in-house. Riso-printed versions are given away free at the Center, while supplies last. The ink color rotates between issues and is chosen on press. Digital versions can be downloaded on this page as well as through the Alfred R. Goldstein Library catalog.

We hope these offer readers an exploratory spark!