Existing Users
Previous LinkedIn Learning users will need to go through their LinkedIn Learning invitation email sent by Ringling College to access the new resource. If you did not receive an email, please contact research@ringling.edu for assistance.
Once your account is activated, you can sign into LinkedIn Learning by visiting https://www.linkedin.com/learning/login-ent
New Users
New users will need to verify their email by visiting www.linkedin.com/learning/activate to be added as a LinkedIn Learning user. Follow the steps below to gain access:
1. Enter your Ringling College email as your "Work Email Address".
2. Check your inbox for an email entitled "Your organization has invited you to use LinkedIn Learning".
3. Click the "Get Started Now" link in the email.
4. You will see a Ringling College login page. Login to this page with your Ringling College credentials.
5. You'll see a page that says "Connect my LinkedIn Account" or "Continue without LinkedIn". We suggest that you choose the "Continue without LinkedIn" option.
6. You should then be able to access the resource.
If you need assistance, email research@ringling.edu or call Goldstein Library at (941) 359-7587.