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Getting Started with Zines

Your Friendly Ringling College Zine Guide


Above [image]: Sugar City Zines (2010) by David Norbery. Image source: Flickr. Image creator: David Norbery. License: CC BY-NC 2.0. Image has been cropped and incorporated as part of design.

Zines, defined

Zines, defined

Zines provide a platform for expression through writing and design, which is conducive for narratives that are personal, political, irreverent, and more. The following characteristics are often attributed to zines:

  • self-published
  • DIY
  • community-oriented
  • small-run 
  • made in multiples
  • low-budget 
  • portable
  • creative
  • no barrier to entry

Zine Supplies

making zines with paper, sharpies, scissors

Above [image]: Zine workshop, Tūranga (2020). Image source: Flickr. Image creator: Christchurch City Libraries License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

The basic supplies needed to make a physical zine are...

  • Sharp objects: scissors, x-acto knife, paper cutter, and a cutting mat or cardboard to cut on
  • Paper of any size as the base of your zine - depending on the size of the zine, as little as a single sheet of 8.5x11 printer paper can be used
  • Magazines, printed images, newspapers, and /or old books to use for your collages
  • Adhesives: Glue and/ or tape for securing the collaged pieces or for adding texture
  • Paint, markers, white-out, stamps, pens, rulers, or any other illustration mediums
  • Photocopy machine (if you want to make duplicates) 
  • Long stapler or thread for assembling the pages 
  • Your imagination

For a digital zine...

  • Digital template (optional)
  • Editing software such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign
  • Images and fonts 
  • Printer (if you want a physical copy)

Lastly, you can make a hybrid...which is a mix of physical and digital. You can make physical collages, scan the work, and assemble on the computer

  • Supplies for making a physical zine
  • Supplies for making a digital zine
  • Scanner to digitize the physical work

Articles on Zinemaking