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Library FAQ

Welcome to the Alfred R. Goldstein Library! This guide has the most frequently asked questions about the library.

Library Policies

The Alfred R. Goldstein Library at Ringling College of Art + Design appreciates the consideration of those who would like to donate books and other materials to enhance the collections. However, space considerations, collecting priorities, and the high cost of processing donated materials means that we are selective about what is accepted for addition to the collection.

Selection decisions are made by the library director in consultation with other staff and librarians; and are informed by the needs of the collection as it supports the curriculum, research interests of the faculty, and the information needs of the RCAD community.


The Goldstein Library will consider accepting materials according to the following criteria and conditions:

  • That the material falls into the scope of the Library's collection and supports the teaching and learning mission of Ringling College;
  • That the donated items do not duplicate materials already held by the Library;
  • That the items offer significant value to the collection, as determined by selectors;
  • That the Goldstein Library is in a position to accept, process, and maintain the gift;
  • That the materials are in good physical condition. Note: The Library will not accept any items exhibiting signs of mold, mildew, insects, water damage; or items that are dirty, torn, brittle, missing pages, or in need of repair, rebinding, or reformatting;
  • That no restrictions be placed by the prospective donor on the disposition and use of the gifts offered.

Potential donors should be aware that the Goldstein Library does NOT accept the following types of materials:

  • Magazines or journals or individual articles
  • Annuals or directories
  • Newspapers
  • Textbooks or computer manuals
  • VHS tapes
  • Music (records, cassettes, CDs)
  • Computer programs
  • Trade paperbacks
  • Reproductions of artworks (including prints or slides)
  • Clippings or picture files
  • Course packs or photocopies
  • Sales or auction catalogs
  • Time-Life Series or Reader's Digest publications
  • Microfilm or microform
  • Pre-published materials (proofs or pre-prints)
  • Government documents
  • Titles that duplicate current holdings
  • Items that are out of scope, or that do not align with collection priorities

On acceptance, gifts are irrevocable and become the property of the Ringling College Library. Items that we are unable to add to the collection may be donated or otherwise disposed of. When gifts are accepted, an acknowledgement letter of receipt will be sent for the donor's tax purposes. Ringling College does not provide valuation of materials, and it is the donor's responsibility to provide a title list if he or she wishes that information to be attached to the letter.

Delivery: Neither the Goldstein Library nor Ringling College provides a pickup or delivery service. Donors must make prior arrangements before dropping off previously accepted materials to ensure that someone is available to receive the items. Library staff will not transport boxes of books inside the building.

Please also consider donating materials to the Sarasota County Public Library System or to Goodwill.

For inquiries or questions about this policy, please contact Bianca Prather-Jones, Director of Library Services at or 941-359-7582.

Special Collections Gifts:

The Brizdle-Schoenberg Special Collections Center manages artists' publication projects, prints, and rare books. Please read the Special Collections Center's Gift Policy or contact Special Collections directly for further information about donations:​

Alfred R. Goldstein Library Filming Policy

The Goldstein Library encourages student use of its spaces for filming; however, its locations are not movie sets and filming may not interfere with normal Library operations. Library personnel maintain the right to ask a filming individual/crew to pause, move, or stop if they feel that the activity is an interference.

*Commercial and other entities outside Ringling College should contact the Library Director to discuss permissions for filming.

  1. Students wishing to film in the library must obtain permission from the library director or a library supervisor and a sponsoring faculty/staff member at least 3 days before filming begins. This includes the completion of the Library Filming Policy Form.
  2. Dates and times the student will be filming must be clearly established in advance and must be strictly adhered to.
  3. Interviews or films that include speaking should be restricted to a library study room to prevent disturbance of those working in the library. Study rooms must be reserved in advance by a faculty or staff member.
  4. Students must present the Library Filming Policy Form with all required signatures at the library’s first floor service desk when they wish to begin filming.
  5. Students must adhere to any instructions given them by the library staff during filming.
  6. Any furniture moved during the course of filming must be returned to its original location.
  7. Filming must not be disruptive towards others who are using the library.
  8. Students are responsible for any damages that may occur to the building or collections caused by the activity of filming. Damages must be reported to the library staff immediately.
  9. Refrain from filming other people in the library or their computer screens without their awareness or permission.
  10. The library requests that proper credit be given for the location. Please refer to the library as the Alfred R. Goldstein Library.

Alfred R. Goldstein Library Special Event Policies and Procedures

The Alfred R. Goldstein Library Special Event Policies and Procedures are designed to offer guidelines to ensure library users and visitors have a variety of safe and welcoming spaces that offer opportunities for learning, research, creative activities, and collaboration.

The following policies apply to all reservable spaces in the Goldstein Library. Note: The Goldstein Library does not employ an events manager nor a full-time administrative assistant. All events hosted in the library and its spaces are to be managed by the department or unit requesting use of individual spaces and the building for the event (See "Special Event Sponsors" below). Library staff are not responsible for special event scheduling, set-up, or clean-up.

Special Event Sponsors

  • Academic and administrative units on campus must designate a staff member as the "sponsor" or contact person for the event to be held in the library.
  • The sponsor will be the primary contact between the campus unit hosting the event and the Director of Library Services and other Library staff as directed.
  • The sponsor is responsible for obtaining approval from the appropriate RCAD Senior Officer(s) as required.
  • The sponsor will be responsible for coordination with other campus entities, including Facilities, Public Safety, Institutional Technology, and other units, for requests related to room set-up, catering, delivery, custodial, technology, security, parking, and other specialized services for their event.
  • The sponsor is responsible for communicating Library space and room-use policies and procedures to all outside vendors who service the event.
  • Student organizations must identify a staff member to act as the Special Event Sponsor, who will be responsible for scheduling and who will be on site for the duration of the event.

Guidelines for Use


  • Following event approval by the Director of Library Services, spaces must be reserved in advance using the Room Reservation system (25Live). An event is not fully confirmed until a reservation for relevant spaces are confirmed in the Room Reservation system. The Library is not responsible for making room reservations.
  • Certain spaces may have different scheduling guidelines and procedures. The Director of Library Services is available to consult on exceptions to scheduling mechanisms and policies.
  • The requesting department is responsible for all communications with Public Safety with notification happening as far in advance as possible and no less than two weeks in advance as events may impact officer scheduling.

Set Up and Use:

  • All Facilities requests need to be submitted and managed by the sponsor and not by the Library. The sponsor is responsible for all communications with Facilities/Custodial Services.
  • Events should take place during library open hours. If permission is obtained from the Director of Library Services for events that will take place outside of regular library hours, it is the responsibility of the sponsor to staff and monitor use of the library during that period.
  • Sponsors are responsible for set-up and clean up of library spaces and to ensure that spaces are returned to conditions in which they were found.
  • All service items, equipment, and food must be removed and waste should be collected at the conclusion of an event.
  • Event sponsors are responsible for keeping library spaces and furniture in good condition. Any additional furniture (i.e. catering or registration tables and chairs) should be removed following the event.
  • Sponsors are responsible for providing all food and beverages, table service, and utensils for an event. The Library does not provide storage for catering. Sponsors serving alcoholic beverages must obtain approval from the President or Vice President for Academic Affairs or Vice President for Student Life as appropriate.

The sponsor is required to provide acceptance in writing of these policies and guidelines prior to Library approval of an event.

Please contact the Library at or 941-359-7587 with questions and for consultation on specific events.

Open and Closed Reserve options are available for library and/or personal materials. Items can generally be processed and placed on Reserve within a 24-hour period when the item is already owned by the library and available. 

One copy of each textbook used in the current semester is purchased in either print or ebook format and added to the collection. If in print, it will be placed on Open Reserve, unless otherwise requested. Electronic versions will be available for reading and possibly downloading through the online catalog. 

The Library uses the Campus Store’s book list to determine what you have selected for the semester. Late textbook adoptions can result in a delay for the Library in putting your textbooks on Reserve.

Tim DeForest, Circulation Manager, 359-7587 

Key points about Library Reserves:
  • Faculty members may place both library materials and/or personal items on reserve in the Library. Items may be placed on either Open or Closed Reserves.
  • Items on Closed Reserves are kept behind the Circulation Desk. Patrons wishing to use a reserve item ask for it at the Circulation Desk. Students must leave an ID card or other item at the Circulation Desk while using reserve materials.
  • Items on Open Reserve are kept on shelves on the first floor of the library and may be browsed freely by students.
  • Faculty members have a choice of placing materials on reserve for the entire semester or for a shorter period of time.
  • Reserve materials may be designated for in-library use only, or for 3-hour (default), one-day, three-day, or seven-day checkout.
  • A printed list of reserve materials is kept at the Circulation Desk. Also, reserve lists for individual instructors may be accessed through the online catalog.
  • Please allow one day after requesting materials be placed on reserve before they are ready to be accessed by students.
  • Due to limited shelving, faculty are limited to placing no more than 30 items at a time on reserve for each course. Items may be freely rotated on and off reserve during the course of the semester.
  • eBooks from the Library's collection may be added as a reserve item.
  • Photocopied material placed on reserve must have the word “copyright” or the copyright symbol, the copyright date and name of the copyright holder on the first page. [CFR sections 401(b) and 108(a)]
  • For more information or assistance, call the Library Circulation Desk at 359-7587 or email Circulation Manager Tim DeForest.